Your Last Will & Testament

Will Trust and Protect Ltd are members of The Society of Will Writers. We take great pride in the standard of service we provide to all our clients. We provide a high quality Will writing service directly to the public or through a network of regulated financial advisors. In addition to providing you with a professionally written Will, we will work alongside your financial advisor to ensure that your estate is arranged in the most tax efficient way possible.

At Will Trust and Protect we can help create the right Will for you. Most people know that they should have a Will, but many do not understand why. Making a Will is the only way to ensure that your wishes are carried out after your death. If you have not made a valid Will, your property will be distributed according to the Law of Intestacy, and this may not be what you would have wished for. Even if surviving relatives do not contest this it may still take longer to finalise than if you had made a Will. During this time your beneficiaries may not be able to draw any money from your estate, which could lead to arguments and distress for surviving relatives at a time when they least need this.


You may want your estate divided amongst friends, relatives and charities of your choosing and in the proportions you want.


Don’t assume “my partner will get everything”. Brothers and sisters and parents may have a claim. Often your children have a right to inherit part of your estate. If you are living as a couple but not officially married, you may be treated as a single person and a surviving partner may get nothing at all. One thing you can be certain of – without a Will there can be argument and dispute at a time when your family and friends are trying to cope with the loss of a loved one.


You should consider who would look after your children in the event of your death. This is particularly important in the case of one parent families or unmarried parents without parental responsibility. A valid Will nominating guardians for your children is invaluable in such cases. If no one knows what you would have wanted, the Court will be responsible for safeguarding the future of your children, and their decisions may not be what you, your children, and surviving family members would have wished for.


Maybe you made a Will a long time ago, or have just never got around to doing one. For example an existing Will may need updating to change executors, include additional grandchildren or perhaps deletion of persons you no longer feel should benefit from your estate.

Whatever the reasons, and whenever the time, it is important to make sure you plan your Will properly to ensure you cover every eventuality. At Will Trust and Protect we are here to help you create the best possible Will to ensure your wishes are followed after your death. The first step would be to arrange an appointment with one of our experienced consultants who will talk you through the whole process and explain everything as they proceed.

To arrange an initial consultation, contact us on 01462 615233 or
